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(Kansas, 1918 - Arizona, 1978) Photographer of emotions, master of the social photography. Considered one of the fathers of photojournalism and photo essay precursor. Devotee of the photography "truly, really, without poses", photographing the "life as it is". The work of W. Eugene Smith is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and photographic knowledge. His ability to shoot at the right moment, the strength of his compositions and his dramatic use of light, are truly admirable.
(Kansas, 1918 - Arizona, 1978) Fotógrafo de emociones, maestro de la fotografía social. Considerado uno de los padres del fotoperiodismo y precursor del ensayo fotográfico. Amante de la fotografía "verdadera, real, sin poses", de fotografiar la "vida tal como es". El trabajo de W. Eugene Smith es una fuente inagotable de inspiración y conocimiento fotográfico. Su habilidad para disparar en el momento preciso, la fuerza de sus composiciones y su uso dramático de la luz, son verdaderamente admirables.
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |
Author: William Eugene Smith |